Controlling a Shared Service Center

A shared service center has many advantages. But in order for this to be optimally controlled, it first requires a deep understanding of the actual state of the SSC. In the following blog, we have summarized for you which methods and tools should be reviewed as steering instruments.

Step 1: Evaluate existing tools

Step 1: Evaluate existing tools

First, it is important to assess how effectively and efficiently the individual tools are used. In addition, it should be ascertained where there may be a need for improvement. We recommend taking a closer look at the following instruments when surveying the current status:

  • Organizational model(s),
  • Governance,
  • Management by Objectives,
  • Indicator systems (quantitative and qualitative),
  • Reporting systems and structures,
  • Controlling systems and structures,
  • Incentive and sanction systems,
  • Risk management,
  • Quality assurance,
  • Knowledge management,
  • Continuous Improvement Process,
  • Operational Excellence & Customer Experience Management,
  • Activity allocation,
  • Contract and change management.

Step 2: Presentation of strengths and weaknesses

Once you have completed the first step of the evaluation, it is now important to clearly present the strengths and weaknesses of the current management. In addition, the possibilities for improvement should be clearly shown. We at CEYOND are happy to support you in this process. Our consultants have a wealth of experience and can advise you in detail. Together with you, we weigh the costs and benefits of the individual control instruments and assess their impact on the overall corporate culture. Thanks to our experience and close cooperation with our clients, we are able to develop pragmatic and implementable solutions for you and to establish them sustainably and successfully.

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